It Takes A Village

Services & Programs

The NTC Tribal Services Department provides social services to tribal members and Native individuals living in the Ninilchik tribal boundaries. Staff members provide a safe and confidential environment for those experiencing domestic crises or in need of social outreach. Tribal Services offers two assistance programs for transitional periods of life as well as resources or home child care and parenting. Department representatives also advocate for and intervene in cases where the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) laws apply to the Ninilchik Tribe.

Use the tabs below to navigate between the programs and services our Social Services department provides.

General Assistance

Indian & Child Welfare Act Services

Burial Assistance

Child Care Assistance

It Takes A Village

It Takes A Village Childcare Facility


It Takes A Village is a State licensed Childcare Facility serving up to 24 children, newborn through 12 years old. At this time, limited slots are available for enrollment, dependent upon the age of the child.




15780 Sterling Hwy
Ninilchik, AK  99639

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm


Applications are available at the NTC Tribal Services Building.

Please call 907-206-2740 for more information.

Click below for NTC office and business locations, hours, and contact information.